The professional Baltimore Limo driver, crisply dressed in a plain, collared white dress shirt, with matching black suit jackets and suit pants, awaits at Washington Dulles International Airport with signage outside the international arrivals door. His party walk out and immediately spots him. Shortly after, they meets and greets and helps with his luggage. They take a short walk together to the parking lots where he opens and holds the clients door and then load his bags. The earth and the sky mingle to produce the days weather. The clients notices and makes a comment to the driver “What a nice day”.
The sky inspires two strangers to mingle. A conversation begins. Traffic is heavy and the client is stressed about meetings and deadlines. All is forgotten once the conversation starts to flow, at least for the duration of the ride. The rider is relaxed. They meander through different realms of life that commonly affect both. They discuss philosophy, family, economy, time, culture, technology.
A Chauffeured Limo ride provides for a unique moment where two beings share the same space and time. Both the driver and the rider reflect and feel grateful about the little but important things in life. The sweet conversation ends almost suddenly when they arrive at the rider’s destination. They both wish the ride was longer, promising to continue the topic on the next ride.
Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash
Conversations between Airport Limo Service or Taxi drivers and their clients are sometimes fun, deep and very fascinating. Like reading a good book. A friendly freedom of expression that lets us open up and freshen our souls. A invisible self filling glass of wine. We learn alot and become better people when we share our stories.
In my experience as a limo driver, I have been privileged to enjoy conversations with different riders from all types background. Under the circumstances of being chauffeured, most people including the quiet ones, are very nice. The client and the Baltimore Private Car Service driver are both free of ego and self claim. The element of congeniality is what draws them to each other, not words. The great poet Rumi once said “No human is absolutely good or absolutely evil. There is nothing under the realm of time that is not a foot to one and a fetter to another”. People generally choose to adopt the shape of their circumstances .
Most Airport Limo Car Service riders including top Ceos, executives, engineers, scientists, doctors , accomplished businessmen, celebrities, tycoons and others, are well read and well traveled experts in various fields. They give great insights. Some have a way of taking you on a world tour with their narrations. This how we, limo drivers develop enough versatility to hold conversations with just about anyone.
The best and easiest way to strike a conversation is to use observations about the weather or anything presently visible to both as the opener and let it take its course, like a free flowing river. Any response will draw a response . If someone doesn’t respond to your weather comment, it simply mean they are not in a mood for a conversation. Don’t take it in a bad way. It is nothing personal You must leave them alone.
The trick to having great conversation with anyone is to give up tricks and cleverness. Be yourself, don’t worry about do’s and don’t . Just remember to stay away from discussing or soliciting your religious or political views and making hurtful or sensitive comments. There is nothing to fear. People are already nice when they open up to you. Unless you provoke them with what they consider offensive- mostly religion and politics.
Regular conversations with strangers usually develops into great friendships.
I became close to one president of a major company, she would often turn off her phone for the duration of the ride. When we both had time, at her destination she would remain in the car for another 30-40 minutes finishing up our deep conversations, mostly about philosophy. Another President of a different company, at times when she was done with a meeting early, we would have coffee or lunch together. Another leader , we get lost into conversations, I sometimes forget his VIP status until the sight of his big beautiful mansion awakens me. It becomes clear we are two worlds apart in our lively hood. Another, often invites me to stop at Starbucks for a cup of coffee. Too many friendships to mention is one paragraph. The power of conversation is beyond race, class or creed. I have made great friendships with white women, white men, Indians , asians, African Americans and I am a black man.
Building friendships is one clear advantage Baltimore Limo companies, car service and other local chauffeured transportation services have over ride sharing Apps. With a Limo service you can easily get your favorite driver most of the time. Most of our users remain unmoved by uber and lyft, despite their astronomical marketing budget.